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CareforParis - Adaptation for carbon efficient forests and the entire wood value chain (including a policy decision support tool) - Evaluating pathways supporting the Paris Agreement

Austrian Climate and Energy Fund (ACRP), 2017-2019


CareforParis estimates with six scenarios the impacts of climate change and silvicultural adaptation measures on the significant GHG balance of the Austrian forests and related wood products/fuels (incl. avoided emissions from substitute products/fuels) until 2150. In addition, an analysis of these impacts on the Austrian forest and wood industry sector (the important economic sector in Austria) will be carried out (e.g. quantity and quality of wood delivery, needed technical adaptations). The results of the project offer basis for needed societal transformations and adaptations to reach the Paris Agreement targets of a balance between GHG emissions and removals post 2050 and will identify needed adaptation measures in the Austrian wood industry due to climate change impacts and silvicultural consequences in the Austrian forests.

For EFICEEC, Alice Ludvig and Gerhard Weiss are leading the socio-economic part and will develop proposals for modifying the political and legal framework conditions in Austria for forest management and wood product use towards a GHG-optimised use.

Contact person: Alice Ludvig

Implementing Office: EFICEEC