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Blondet, M; de Koning, J; Borrass, L; Ferranti, F; Geitzenauer, M; Weiss, G; Turnhout, E; Winkel, G. (2017) Participation in the implementation of Natura 2000: A comparative study of six EU member states. LAND USE POLICY. 2017; 66: 346-355.

Baldacchini, C; Castanheiro, A; Maghakyan, N; Sgrigna, G; Verhelst, J; Alonso, R; Amorim, JH; Bellan, P; Bojovic, DD; Breuste, J; Buhler, O; Cantar, IC; Carinanos, P; Carriero, G; Churkina, G; Dinca, L; Esposito, R; Gawronski, SW; Kern, M; Le Thiec, D; Moretti, M; Ningal, T; Rantzoudi, EC; Sinjur, I; Stojanova, B; Urosevic, MA; Velikova, V; Zivojinovic, I; Sahakyan, L; Calfapietra, C; Samson, RHow Does the Amount and Composition of PM Deposited on Platanus acerifolia Leaves Change Across Different Cities in Europe?. ENVIRON SCI TECHNOL. 2017; 51(3): 1147-1156.

Ficko, A., Lidestav, G., Ní Dhubháin, A., Karppinen, H., Zivojinovic, I., Westin, K. (2017) European private forest owner typologies: A review of methods and use. Forest Policy and Economics (Open access)

Follo, G., Lidestav, G., Ludvig, A.,Vilkriste, L., Hujala, T., Karppinen, H., Didolot, F., Mizaraite, D. (2017) Gender in European Forest Ownership and Management – Reflections on Women as “New Forest Owners”. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, DOI: 10.1080/02827581.2016.1195866

Geitzenauer, M; Blondet, M; de Koning, J; Ferranti, F; Sotirov, M; Weiss, G; Winkel, G. (2017) The challenge of financing the implementation of Natura 2000-Empirical evidence from six European Union Member States. FOREST POLICY ECON. 2017; 82: 3-13.

Kleinschmit, D.; Arts, B.; Giurca, A.; Mustalahti, I.; Sergent, A.; Pülzl, H.(2017) Environmental concerns in political bioeconomy discourses. Special issue in the International Forestry Review- Shifting global development discourses. International Forestry Review Vol.19(1), 1-15.

Linser, S. (2017) Das Reh ist nicht die Frau vom Hirsch. Forstzeitung, 10/2017, 12-13

Ludvig, A.; Huber, P.; Vacik, H.; Weiss, G. (2017): Wie viel Wald holen sie sich nach Hause? Österreichische Forstzeitung, 10, 26-27; ISSN 1012-4667

Ostoic, SK; van den Bosch, CCK; Vuletic, D; Stevanov, M; Zivojinovic, I; Mutabdzija-Becirovic, S; Lazarevic, J; Stojanova, B; Blagojevic, D; Stojanovska, M; Nevenic, R; Malovrh, SP. (2017) Citizens' perception of and satisfaction with urban forests and green space: Results from selected Southeast European cities. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening 23, 93-103; ISSN 1618-8667.

Ramcilovic-Suominen, S., Pülzl, H. (2017) Sustainable development - A “selling point” of the emerging EU bioeconomy policy framework ? J. Clean. Prod. doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2016.12.157

Živojinović, I., Nedeljković, J., Stojanovski, V., Japelj, A., Nonić, D., Weiss, G., Ludvig, A. (2017) Non-timber forest products in transition economies: Innovation cases in selected SEE countries. Forest Policy and Economics 81(81):18-29, DOI: 10.1016/j.forpol.2017.04.003

Weiss, G., Ludvig, A., Zivojinovic, I., Asamer-Handler, M., Huber P. (2017) Non-timber innovations: How to innovate in side-activities of forestry – Case study Styria, Austria. Austrian Journal of Forest Science. 134. Jahrgang (2017), Sonderheft 1a, S. 231 – 250.

Weiss, G., Pelli, P., Christophe, O., Tykka, S., Zivojinovic, I., Ludvig, A. (2017) Forest industry clusters as innovation systems: analysing innovation support frameworks in five European regions. Austrian Journal of Forest Sciences. 134. Jahrgang (2017), Heft 2, S. 119–148.

Weiss, G; Ludvig, A; Huber, P. (2017): Topseller Nichtholzprodukte. Österreichische Forstzeitung, 1, 14-15.

Wolfslehner B. (2017): Der Wald flüstert meinen Namen. Österreichische Forstzeitung, 2, 3-3; ISSN 1012-4667 

Wolfslehner B. (2017): Grüne Inkarnation. Österreichische Forstzeitung, 8, 3-3; ISSN 1012-4667


Baycheva-Merger, T., Wolfslehner, B. (2016) Evaluating the implementation of the Pan-European Criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management – A SWOT analysis. Ecological Indicators Volume 60, January 2016, Pages 1192–1199

Geitzenauer, M; Hogl, K; Weiss, G. (2016) The implementation of Natura 2000 in Austria-A European policy in a federal system. LAND USE POLICY. 2016; 52: 120-135.

Ludvig, A; Corradini, G; Asamer-Handler, M; Pettenella, D; Verdejo, V; Martínez, S; Weiss, G. (2016): The practice of innovation: The role of institutions in support of Non-Wood Forest Products. Bioproducts Business, 1(6), 73-84; ISSN 2378-1394

Ludvig, A, Tahvanainen, V., Dickson, A., Evard, C., Kurttila, M., Cosovic, M., Chapman, E., Wilding, M., Weiss,G. (2016) The practice of entrepreneurship in the non-wood forest products sector: Support for innovation on private forest land. Forest Policy and Economics, Volume 66, pages 31–37.

Hansmann, R; Whitehead, I; Krajter Ostoić, S; Živojinović, I; Stojanovska, M; Jones, N; Bernasconi, A; Benamar, S; Lelieveld, C; Barstad, J (2016): Partnerships for Urban Forestry and Green Infrastructure Delivering Services to People and the Environment: A Review on What They Are and Aim to Achieve. South-east European Forestry, 7 (1), 1-11; ISSN 1847-6481

Tomicevic-Dubljevic, J.; Zivojinovic, I.; Skocajic, D.; Grbic, M. (2016) Climate changes and invasive plant species: Raising awareness of the public towards alien invasive plant species in the city of belgrade. FRESEN ENVIRON BULL. 2016; 25(11): 4680-4684.

Weiss, G. (2016) Waldeigentum am Scheideweg? Forstzeitung, 10 (2016), 2-3

Wolfslehner B. (2016): Raus aus der Garage!. Österreichische Forstzeitung, 2/2016, 3-3; ISSN 1012-4667 


Aggestam, F (2015) Framing the ecosystem concept through a longitudinal study of developments in science and policy. Conserv Biol. 2015; 29(4):1052-1064

Krajter Ostoić, S; Konijnendijk van den Bosch, C.C. (2015) Exploring global scientific discourses on urban forestry. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 14(1): 129-138 (review article)

Linser, S (2015) Indikatoren für nachhaltige Waldbewirtschaftung. Österreichische Forstzeitung, 4/2015, 30-31; ISSN 1012-4667

Sarvaova, Z; Zivojinovic, I; Weiss, G; Dobinska, Z; Dragoi, M; Gal, J; Jarsky, V; Mizaraite, D; Pollumae, P; Salka, J; Schiberna, E; Sisak, L; Wolfslehner, B; Zalite, Z; Zalitis, T (2015) Forest Owners ssociations in the Central and Eastern European Region. SMALL-SCALE FOR. 2015; 14(2): 217-232.

Seidl, R; Aggestam, F; Rammer, W; Blennow, K; Wolfslehner, B; (2015) The sensitivity of current and future forest managers to climate-induced changes in ecological processes. Ambio; 1-12.

Schardt, M; Granica, K; Hirschmugl, M; Deutscher, J; Mollatz, M; Steinegger, M; Gallaun, H; Wimmer, A; Linser, S (2015) The assessment of forest parameters by combined LiDAR and satellite data over Alpine regions – EUFODOS Implementation in Austria. Lesnícky časopis - Forestry Journal, 61, 3-11; ISSN 0323-1046

Teder, M; Mizaraite, D; Mizaras, S; Nonic, D; Nedeljkovic, J; Sarvasova, Z; Vilkriste, L; Zalite, Z; Weiss, G. (2015): Structural Changes of State Forest Management Organisations in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Serbia and Slovakia since 1990. BALT FOR. 2015; 21(2): 326-339.

Potzelsberger, E; Wolfslehner, B; Hasenauer, H (2015) Climate change impacts on key forest functions of the Vienna Woods. EUR J FOREST RES. 2015; 134(3): 481-496.

Pülzl, H (2015) Politik in der EU - Wie relevant ist der Wald?. Forstzeitung, 2, 4-5; ISSN ISSN 1012-4667

Winkel, G; Blondet, M; Borrass, L; Frei, T; Geitzenauer, M; Gruppe, A; Jump, A; de Koning, J; Sotirov, M; Weiss, G; Winter, S; Turnhout, E (2015) The implementation of Natura 2000 in forests: A trans- and interdisciplinary assessment of challenges and choices. ENVIRON SCI POLICY. 2015; 52: 23-32.

Wolfslehner B (2015) Weichenstellungen 2015. Österreichische Forstzeitung, 2/2015, 3-3; ISSN 1012-4667

Živojinović, I., Wolfslehner B.. Tomicević-Dubljević J. (2015) Social and policy aspects of climate change adaptation in urban forests of Belgrade. South-east Eur for 6 (2): 219-235. DOI:

Živojinović, I., Wolfslehner B. (2015) Perceptions of urban forestry stakeholders about climate change adaptation – A Q-method application in Serbia. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, Volume 14, Issue 4, 2015, Pages 1079–1087. DOI:10.1016/j.ufug.2015.10.007



Aggestam, F. (2014) Effects of the manager’s value orientation on stakeholder participation: at the front line of policy implementation. Water Policy, 16, 62–78.

Aggestam, F (2014) Wetland Restoration and the Involvement of Stakeholders: An Analysis Based on Value-Perspectives. LANDSCAPE RES. 2014; 39(6): 680-697.

Forstzeitung, 3, 16-17den Herder, M., Khadka, C., Pelli, P., Wolfslehner, B., Sandker, M., Lindner, M., Hetemäki, L., Rametsteiner, E., Muys, B. & Palahi, M. (2014) Scenario Development to Strengthen National Forest Policies and Programmes - A review of future-oriented tools and approaches that support policy-making, Forestry Policy and Institutions Working Paper 34, Rome, FAO, p84.

Huber, P; Weiss, G; Vacik, H; Wolfslehner, B (2014) Nichtholzprodukte im Fokus. Österreichische Forstzeitung, 125 (6), 38-39; ISSN 1012-4667

Linser, S; Schardt, M; Granica, K. (2014) Satellitengestützte Waldschadensfeststellung. AFZ, 20/2014, 14-15; ISSN 0936-1294

Mauser, H., Wolfslehner B., Pülzl H. (2014) EU-Forschungsförderung im Fokus. Österreichische Forstzeitung, 9, 4-5; ISSN 1012-4667

Palahi, M; Pülzl, H; Mayer, P (2014) What is the Future of European Forest Governance. EFI News, 22, 3-3; ISSN 1236-7850

Pülzl, H; Wolfslehner, B; Hogl, K; Mayer, P (2014) Entwicklungen in der EU-Waldpolitik. Forstzeitung, 3, 16-17

Pulzl, H; Kleinschmit, D; Arts, B (2014) Bioeconomy - an emerging meta-discourse affecting forest discourses?. SCAND J FOREST RES. 2014; 29(4): 386-393.

Sarvašová, Z; Zivojinovic, I; Weiss, G; Dobšinská, Z; Drăgoi, M; Gál, J; Jarský, V; Mizaraite, D; Pollumae, P; Šálka, J; Schiberna, E; Šišák, L; Wolfslehner, B; Zalite, Z; Zalitis, T. (2014) Forest Owners Associations in the Central and Eastern European Region, Small-scale Forestry 11/2014 [available ONLINE]

Tomicevic J; Kostic A; Konold W; Zivojinovic, I. (2014) Landscape Modification and Landscape Perception by the Local Population in the Village of Kupinovo within a Protected Area. In: Zlatic, M. and Kostadinov, S. , Challenges: Sustainable Land Management –Climate Change. Chapter 4: Socio-Economic Issues and Policy of Land Degradation and Land Conservation, 259-270; Catena Verlag Gmbh, Reiskirchen, Germany; ISBN 978-3-923381-61-6

Vacik, H; Kurttila, M; Hujala, T; Khadka, C; Haara, A; Pykalainen, J; Honkakoski, P; Wolfslehner, B; Tikkanen, J (2014) Evaluating collaborative planning methods supporting programme-based planning in natural resource management. J ENVIRON MANAGE. 2014; 144: 304-315.

Vacik, H; Wolfslehner, B; Huber, P; Ruprecht, H (2014) Analysis of Non Wood Forest Products and Forest Services in Sustainable Forest Management. AUSTRIAN J FOR SCI. 2014; 131(3): 147-169.

Winter, S; Borrass, L; Geitzenauer, M; Blondet, M; Breibeck, R; Weiss, G; Winkel, G (2014) The impact of Natura 2000 on forest management: a socio-ecological analysis in the continental region of the European Union. Biodivers Conserv. 2014; 23(14): 3451-3482.

Wolfslehner B. (2014) Den Blick weiten. Österreichische Forstzeitung, 9, 3-3; ISSN 1012-4667

Wydra, D; Pulzl, H (2014) Mad cows and lost trees: The power of meaning in policy analysis. BIOSOCIETIES. 2014; 9(4): 469-473.



Aggestam, F. (2013) Wetland Restoration and the Involvement of Stakeholders: An Analysis Based on Value-Perspectives. Landscape research, DOI:10.1080/01426397.2013.819076.

Bouriaud, L; Nichiforel, L; Weiss, G; Bajraktari, A; Curovic, M; Dobsinska, Z; Glavonjic, P; Jarsky, V; Sarvasova, Z; Teder, M; Zalite, Z (2013): Governance of private forests in Eastern and Central Europe: An analysis of forest harvesting and management rights. ANN FOR RES. 2013; 56(1): 199‐215.

Helga Pülzl (2013): Forest and nature governance: a practice based approach. Critical Policy Studies, 0, 1‐3; ISSN 1946‐0171

Hujala, T; Khadka, C; Wolfslehner, B; Vacik, H (2013): Review. Supporting problem structuring with computer‐based tools in participatory forest planning. FOREST SYST. 2013; 22(2): 270‐281.

Khadka, C; Hujala, T; Wolfslehner, B; Vacik, H (2013): Problem structuring in participatory forest planning. FOREST POLICY ECON. 2013; 26: 1‐11.

Ludvig, A., Weiss, G. (2013): Governing Carbon Efficiency. The international regime of standards in wooden construction, OSTERR Z POLITWISS. 2013; 42(3): 329‐343. (SSCI)

Palahi, M., Pülzl, H. Liedeker, H., Kraus, D. (2013): De l'institution de recherche au conseil en politique et en gestion. Revue forestière française, 2, 116‐119; ISSN 0035‐2829

Palahi, M., Pülzl, H., Liedecker, H., and D. Klaus (2013): EFI: Von einer Forschungsinstitution zum Ratgeber für Politik und Praxis. AFZ ‐ Der Wald: Zeitschrift fuer Waldwirtschaft und Umweltvorsorge, 17, 8‐9

Schuck A., Mavsar R., Harou P., Orazio C., Wolfslehner B., Lovric M., Mustonen M. (2013): Des bureaux régionaux pour des thèmes de recherche spécifiques aux regions. Revue forestière française, 2/2013, 125‐130; ISSN 0035‐2829

Schuck A., Mavsar R., Harou P., Orazio C., Wolfslehner B., Lovric M., Mustonen M. (2013): Regionalbüros für regionale Fragen. AFZ ‐ Der Wald: Zeitschrift fuer Waldwirtschaft und Umweltvorsorge, 17

Stern, T.; Weiss, G.; Bostrom, C.;, Huber, W.; Koch, S. &  Schwarzbauer, P. (2013): Identifying measures for wood mobilisation from fragmented forest ownerships based on case studies from eight European Regions. Jahrbuch der ÖGA (Österreichische Gesellschaft für Agrarökonomie), 22 (1), 19‐28; ISSN 1815‐1027

Wolfslehner, B; Huber, P; Lexer, MJ (2013): Smart use of small‐diameter hardwood ‐ A forestry‐wood chain sustainability impact assessment in Austria. SCAND J FOREST RES. 2013; 28(2): 184‐192.

Wydra, D., Pülzl, H. (2013): Sustainability governance for democracy. International Journal of Social Ecology and Sustainable Development, 4/2, 86‐107; ISSN 1947‐8402



Edwards, D; Jay, M; Jensen, FS; Lucas, B; Marzano, M; Montagne, C; Peace, A; Weiss, G (2012) Public preferences for structural attributes of forests: Towards a pan-European perspective. FOREST POLICY ECON. 2012; 19: 12-19.

Nonic, D; Nedeljkovic, J; Rankovic, N; Marinkovic, M; Glavonjic, P; Weiss, G (2012): Analysis of factors influencing cluster establishment in the Timok forest area in Serbia. AUSTRIAN J FOR SCI. 2012; 129(3-4): 202-227.

Pulzl, H; Prokofieva, I; Berg, S; Rametsteiner, E; Aggestam, F; Wolfslehner, B (2012) Indicator development in sustainability impact assessment: balancing theory and practice. EUR J FOREST RES. 2012; 131(1): 35-46.

Rounsevell, MDA; Pedroli, B; Erb, KH; Gramberger, M; Busck, AG; Haberl, H; Kristensen, S; Kuemmerle, T; Lavorel, S; Lindner, M; Lotze-Campen, H; Metzger, MJ; Murray-Rust, D; Popp, A; Perez-Soba, M; Reenberg, A; Vadineanu, A; Verburg, PH; Wolfslehner, B (2012): Challenges for land system science. LAND USE POLICY. 2012; 29(4): 899-910.

Vogelpohl, T; Aggestam, F (2012) Public policies as institutions for sustainability: potentials of the concept and findings from assessing sustainability in the European forest-based sector. EUR J FOREST RES. 2012; 131(1): 57-71.

Weiss, G. und A. L. Meier-Glaser (2012): Coase und der Schutz vor Naturgefahren durch den Wald – eine institutionenökonomische Analyse. Schweiz. Z. Forstwes., 163 , 17-28

Wolfslehner, B; Bruchert, F; Fischbach, J; Rammer, W; Becker, G; Lindner, M; Lexer, MJ (2012): Exploratory multi-criteria analysis in sustainability impact assessment of forest-wood chains: the example of a regional case study in Baden-Wurttemberg. EUR J FOREST RES. 2012; 131(1): 47-56.

Wolfslehner B. (2012): Europäische Waldforschung. Österreichische Forstzeitung, 06, 25-25; ISSN 1012-4667

Wolfslehner B., Sarvašová Z., Keeton W. (2012): Forest research collaboration in the Carpathian Mountains. EFI News, 2, 21-21; ISSN 1236-7850


Buttoud, G; Kouplevatskaya-Buttoud, I; Slee, B; Weiss, G, 2011: Barriers to institutional learning and innovations in the forest sector in Europe: Markets, policies and stakeholders FOREST POLICY ECON. 2011; 13(2): 124-131.

Gerhard Weiss, Sabaheta Ramcilovic, Robert Mavsar (2011): Financing mechanisms for forest ecosystem services in Europe and their implications for forest governance. Allgemeine Forst- und Jagdzeitschrift 182, 5/6, 61-69.

Vogelpohl T., Aggestam, F.: Public policies as institutions for sustainability: potentials of the concept and findings from assessing sustainability in the European forest-based sector. European Journal of Forest Research (in press). DOI: 10.1007/s10342-011-0504-6

Pülzl H., Prokofieva I., Berg S., Rametsteiner E., Aggestam F., Wolfslehner B.: Indicator development in sustainability impact assessment: balancing theory and practice. European Journal of Forest Research (in press). DOI: 10.1007/s10342-011-0547-8

Wolfslehner, B., Brüchert F, Fischbach J, Rammer, W., Becker G, Lindner M, Lexer, M.J. Exploratory multi-criteria analysis in sustainability impact assessment of forest-wood chains – the example of a regional case study in Baden-Württemberg. European Journal of Forest Research (in press). DOI: 10.1007/s10342-011-0499-z

Wolfslehner B, Vacik H (2011) Mapping indicator models: from intuitive problem structuring to quantified decision-making in sustainable forest management. Ecol. Ind. 11:274-283


Libus J., Jarský V., Wolfslehner B. (2010): Otevření regionální kanceláře evropského lesnického institutu. Lesnická Práce, 89/6, 30-30

Tykkä, S., McCluskey, D., Nord, T., Ollonqvist, P., Hugosson, M., Roos, A., et al. (2010). Development of timber framed firms in the construction sector - is EU policy one source of their innovation? Forest Policy and Economics, 12(3), 199-206.

Wolfslehner B., Weiss G. (2010): Regionalbüro des Europäischen Forstinstitutes eröffnet. aktuell - Mitgliederzeitung der Land & Forst Betriebe Österreich, 2.10

Wolfslehner B, Seidl R (2010) Harnessing ecosystem models and multi-criteria decision analysis for the support of forest management. Environ. Manage. 46, 805-861.

Duduman, G. (2010): Forest management planning tool to create highly diverse uneven-aged stands. Forestry 84 (3), pp. 301-314